I migrated the Moon Suit pages from Wildtoys.com to blogger on January 22, 2023. I left it somewhat static until I picked up and published additional content on January 22, 2024. Here's a list of new material to explore, the newest is at the top.
- 2025.01.12 New: The Telegraph May 15, 1968 "Metal Space Suit Adds Protection"
- 2025.01.12 New: The (Bend Oregon) Bulletin February 14, 1964 Page 6 "CLUB SPEAKER - Allyn (Hap) Hazard"
- 2025.01.12 New: The (Bend Oregon) Bulletin February 8, 1964 Page 2 "Talk scheduled by lunar expert"
- 2025.01.12 New: The Windsor (Ontario) Star April 10, 1963 "'Moon Cocoon' Guard Devised" (UPI)
- 2025.01.11 New: Passaggio a Nord Ovest Doc - La conquista dello spazio
- 2025.01.10 New: The Calgary Herald March 5, 1962 "Moon-Walker." Image and Caption
- 2025.01.10 New: Sherbrooke Telegram Observer March 1, 1962 TV Hightlights March 8 "Man and the Moon" on THE NATURE OF THINGS
- 2025.01.09 New: The Toledo Blade December 30, 1961 Page 3 "Engineers Design 'Moonmobile' For Lunar Travel"
- 2025.01.09 New: The Boston Globe September 2, 1961 TV Listing for "Where do we go from here?"
- 2025.01.09 New: The Norwalk (CT) Hour March 6, 1961 Page Four "Fashions in Moon Suits"
- 2025.01.08 New: Spokane Daily Chronicle February 17, 1961 Front Page "Fine for Moonlight" (AP)
- 2025.01.08 New: The Spokesman-Review, February 17, 1961 Page 6 "Latest Moon Suit Thing to Behold!" (AP)
- 2025.01.08 New: Boston Globe December 24, 1961 Page 37 "500-Mile Walk on the Moon Already Mapped Out"
- 2025.01.08 New: Monarch Moon Suit Model Kit
- 2025.01.07 New: Billiken July 9, 1962 "Vehículos para Viajar a la Luna"
- 2025.01.07 New: Life Magazine May 21, 1951 "Camera Records Big B-36 Crash"
- 2025.01.06 New: Boys Life Magazine, December 1966
- 2025.01.06 New: Allyn Hazard's 1958 Proposed Moon Suit build
- 2025.01.05 New: Reading Eagle 27 November 1960 "Building of 'Moonmobile' Is Problem for Scientists by Ralph Dighton (AP)
- 2025.01.04 New: Exploring God's World by James H. Jauncey
- 2025.01.02 New: Allyn B. Hazard
- 2023.09.04 New: Moon Suit Patents
- 2023.01.22 Moon Suit Pages Migration Completed
- 2014.07.07 Aerojet-General Spacelines and Rocket Review 1962 Edition "After Apollo - Exploring the Moon"
- 2009.06.28 Post-Standard Sunday (Syracuse, NY) August 6, 1961 "A Suit for the First Man on the Moon"
- 2004.08.07 TV Tornado (UK) Annual 1966
- 2004.06.01 Diana (UK) No. 321 April 12, 1969
- 2001.10.23: Boy's Life Magazine, October 1964
- 2001.10.22: MS398 X-27 Explorer Reproduction
- 2001.10.22: Yolezawa Astro-Scout
- 2001.10.22: Yonezawa X-27 Explorer
- 2001.10.22: Japanese Tin Moon Suit Toys
- 2001.10.21: Louis Marx Toys Bell Suit Figure
- 2001,01.02: 20 Years of Research The Second Decade: 1955-1964
- 1999.07.05: Life Science Library - Man and Space, 1964
- 1998.04.08: Moon Suit Souvenir Coin
- 1997.09.05 Welcome Page
- 1997.09.05 Life Magazine, April 27, 1962
All images, captions and content are
Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton unless otherwise stated. If there are
any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton, by clicking here.
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